Position of EC on the ETR amendments

The European Commission (EC) identified the adopted by the EWRC amendments to the Electricity Trading Rules (ETR), which prohibit the possibility of merging balancing groups with single financial settlement, as contrary to the principles and regulation of the free electricity market in the EU. This became clear from response of the European Commission concerning a written opinion of the Member of the European Parliament Radan Kanev.

Bulgarian Wind Energy Association (BGWEA) together with Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association (BPVA) and the Association of Electricity Traders in Bulgaria (ATEB) have undertaken a series of actions – meetings with the responsible institutions and written statements about the adverse effects on the RES investors from the ban on the merging of balancing groups with single financial settlement, as well as for the contradiction of the changes with art. 5 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules for the internal market in electricity. We have launched a constructive dialogue with the institutions, and at the next stage we are aiming at balance and a fair environment for all market participants.